PCOS or Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal imbalance in females. The hormonal imbalance leads to problems in the ovaries. As we know ovaries help in the production of eggs every month. If someone is suffering from Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, ovulation could be compromised. It can occur at any time post-puberty. Most women who are suffering from PCOS don’t know it in the first place.
It could also lead to infertility or fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries. Three of the major symptoms people face are-
A. Hormonal Imbalance (prone to have more male hormone. Leads to excessive hair growth or pattern baldness. Could also lead to acne)
B. Cysts in ovaries (can only be detected by sonography)
C. Irregular Periods or Missed Periods

Symptoms of PCOS
1. Irregular Periods/ Missed Periods: If you have irregular periods (also including periods that come too frequently, not frequent enough, or not at all)
2. Hyperpigmentation: If you start noticing excessive darkening along with your neck or your genitals, it could be a sign of PCOS.
3. Weight Gain: If you’re having difficulty losing weight or are obese, chances of this syndrome is higher.
4. Acne
5. Excessive Hair Growth/ Hair Thinning (male pattern baldness)
PCOS can only be diagnosed by a medical practitioner.

How to treat PCOS?
PCOS cannot be cured, however, it can be managed.
1. Weight loss is the most effective way to treat it. A low carbohydrate diet is often successful as it helps drop weight and at the same time keep insulin in check.
2. Medication prescribed by your doctor. Mostly these are birth control pills, but a doctor can best assess your case and prescribe accordingly.
In case you have any of these symptoms, it is best advised to see a gynecologist immediately. If left untreated this could also lead to several other health problems.
If you would like to read more articles, click here. More reference on PCOS can be found here.
Thanks for sharing this useful information.Very helpful! 🌼
Much needed article on PCOS.